the life sciences translator
Kay Lubcke is a provider of translation services from English and Spanish into German, specialized in the field of life sciences: medical/medical technology, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, chemistry, biotechnology and related areas
How can I help you to achieve your business goals
on the German life science market?
- By providing you translations that don't read like a translation
- By finding the right words in life science topics
- By providing you high-quality translations, that assure potential clients about the quality of your products
- By capturing even the most complex technical subjects and transferring them accurately into German
- By assuring flawless quality through proof-reading of all my translations by a second translator

Make sure potential German clients have a positive
experience at the first encounter with your product
because they read a flawless, attractively written leaflet, website, user manual, etc.,
in which all the technical details have been accurately transferred into German.
Currently working on...
- SOP, Validation, pharmaceutical, 4000 words
- Patient information, clinical study, 5000 words
- Package insert, in-vitro diagnostics, 6000 words